Dec 13, 2009

November News

OK, well, it's not November anymore... In fact, it's just about the middle of December.  I'm a little late blogging about November.  However, I am quite proud of myself for staying on top of the blogs since August.  I'll try to keep up.

Just a side note here... Curtis thinks our blog should be called "Neilsonmania" or "Curtis Neilson Rocks".  Funny kid.


Erik has been hunting the past few years but had only been able to go out for a few hours at a time and only near McMinnville.  This year Erik, Doug and Mike set out to go camping/hunting for a week at a place called "Desolation Unit".  I don't exactly know where this place is but it's about as far away from here as you can get and still be in Oregon.  And from what I hear, it's pretty desolate.  Doug and Mike headed out on a Friday to set up camp and the plan was for Erik to join them after he preached on Sunday.  Because I needed my car for the week and we didn't know if Erik's truck would make it so far Erik borrowed Doug's truck.  Erik headed out right after church and made it all the way to I-84 in Troutdale.  The truck engine started revving and speeding up all on its own.  If Erik put on the brake the engine would continue to rev.  He pulled over and called me.  After I dispensed all of my truck knowledge on Erik (so about 2 seconds later) he started making some other calls for help.  Then he took a minute to pray about getting the truck fixed.  Seconds later a friendly passerby stopped and offered to take a look at the truck.  Amazingly, it was simply a hose that had wiggled loose.  A very easy and free thing to fix.  Erik was soon on his way again.  He arrived at the hunting grounds later that evening and was greeted with a layer of snow on the ground.  Fortunately the guys that Erik went have all the equipment for staying warm that anyone could ever possibly need.  They even had a wood stove inside their tent.  The hunting trip was a successful one and all the guys got a deer.  This was Erik's first deer ever.  Unfortunately, Erik spent several of the days hiking through the woods fairly sick.  He came home with a bad cold, cough and fever.  He also came home with a deer cut in two halves which got to hang in our garage over night.  (I avoided the garage until it was gone).  And now the deer resides in nice white packages in my freezer.  We've been enjoying deer burgers, stew, steak and ground beef.  I wasn't sure I would like the  meat but have been pleasantly surprised.

Erik and his buck



The Football Players

After the football game we headed home to get Thanksgiving dinner ready.  When I say “we” got dinner ready, I really mean “Erik” got dinner ready.  Typically, I get the house ready for company and Erik gets the food ready.  He made turkey, cranberry sauce, garlic mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans, sausage stuffing, pumpkin pie, and probably some other dishes I’m forgetting.  I made the rolls.

Usually, instead of driving up to Gresham for Thanksgiving we look for people at church who don’t have family around to be with on Thanksgiving.  We have several regulars that usually join us each year.  However, this year several families had decided to stay home and invite people to their house.  So, just two people from church joined us this year.  In addition to people from church my parents joined us as well for Thanksgiving dinner.  My Dad had recently had knee surgery so they had planned to just stay home so that my Dad could lay low.  The day before Thanksgiving I happened to be talking to my Dad on the phone and mentioned that they were welcome to come to our house for dinner.  My parents decided to join us.  We were all thrilled that they could join us.

As is tradition, after we joined hands and prayed and served up our food we went around the table saying what we were thankful for.  This year I am thankful for my husband who made most of the Thanksgiving dinner, who has supported me in my college endeavor, and who loves me through everything.  I'm thankful for my beautiful children who are growing up too quickly.  I'm thankful for my parents, siblings, parent-in-laws and siblings-in-law.  We are truly blessed to have such a great family. I'm thankful for friends who have been there forever, ones that are newly acquired and for old friends that I have been newly reconnected with this year.  There are so many more things in my life to be thankful for.  One of our guests said he was thankful for friends who have become family.  That really touched us this year.  And we too are grateful for friends who have become family.

Oct 31, 2009


The month of October has come and almost gone.  Thankfully, this month was a bit slower than the last few months.  But not to worry, the Holiday season is coming and we'll be busier than ever.  Two days into October we celebrated Curtis' 13th birthday.  A few days later, Erik went on a hunting trip.  Of course there's all the U of O games.  We also had a big birthday party for both kids with all the family.  I started going to a 5th grade classroom as part of my student teaching. And, then to finish October off, we get to celebrate Halloween and gorge ourselves on Candy.

Wow!  I can't even believe that my sweet little baby boy is 13!  It's amazing how quickly the years go by. This milestone has really messed with me.  Curtis will graduate from high school in 6 years!  If the last 13 have gone by this quickly then the next 6 are going to disappear in a flash.
Anyways, enough sentimentality.  Curtis' birthday was on a Friday this year.  He took cookies to school to celebrate with his language arts class.  Later that night, we ate pizza from Pizza Hut... with cheese in the crust.  Instead of a birthday cake he had requested a birthday cookie/pizza.  We made a giant sugar cookie, coated it with frosting and then put chopped up candies on top.  That was pretty yummy.  Then the family watched Monsters vs. Aliens together.  Happy Birthday Buddy!

The Yummy Cookie Pizza

It never changes... kids love to play with the box that the toy came in.  This is the styrafoam that came in the box with the fish tank.

Sporting the new Duck Jersey.

Erik has been hunting the last couple years just in the area of where we live.  He hadn't been able to dedicate a lot of time because of a busy schedule.  This year, Erik and two of his friends went out to Eastern Oregon to camp and hunt for a few days.  Erik's friends headed out on a Thursday to set up camp and Erik joined them after he preached Sunday morning.  After a little bit of truck trouble (he was driving a friends truck) and a very nice passerby who fixed the truck (for free!), Erik was able to join his hunting buddies.  All three guys ended up with a deer.  And now the freezer is full of venison.  Erik was pretty excited to get his first deer ever!

Half way through October we finally found a weekend that wasn't filled with hunting or Duck Games so we had all the family come over for Curtis' and Sadie's family birthday party.  Everyone who didn't live too far away or wasn't too sick came over.

The Birthday kids

German Chocolate cake for Curtis
Chocolate cupcakes for Sadie. With 11 candles in one cupcake as she requested!

All of Curtis and Sadie's cousins.
Lilli, Natalie, Elan, Curtis, Emmalie, Sadie

This term I started the Education Program at WOU.  I get to spend about 6 hours a week in a 5th grade classroom in Sheridan.  I really like the teacher who will be my Mentor Teacher for this year.  As it turns out, she is a Christian and has a child.  I'm looking forward to learning how she manages work and family.  The group of fifth graders I'll be working with seem like a good group of kids.  It should be fun spending this year with them and teaching them.  I can't wait to see what they will teach me!


The night before Halloween we went to a party.  Usually, our costumes are pretty boring.  Sometimes I'm a "Mom" or a "Duck Fan".  Once I wore Curtis' football pads and shirt and was a football player.  It'd been a while since we actually put some effort into a costume.  So, it was a lot of fun to go to the party dressed like Popeye and Olive Oyl with Erik.  The hostess of the party had lots of fun games planned for the kids which included a scavenger hunt around the neighborhood.  Sadie tied for Cutest Costume with another little girl.
On Halloween night we decorate our car at the church for "Trunk Or Treating".  Kids around the church neighborhood pass by the church and "Trick or Treat" at each of the trunks of our cars.  We'll be doing that tonight and I'm hoping for no rain!

Curtis as a rapper.  CT Hammer perhaps?

Sadie as a cowgirl

Curtis carved a Darth Vader pumpkin

 Sadie carved a puppy dog into her pumpkin.
Well, that's pretty much October.  It's hard to believe that next month is Novemeber and that Christmas is less than two months away.

Oct 3, 2009

September Summary

Gotta love September.  The leaves are starting to change colors.  The weather is changing and even on hot days the air feels crisp.  Summer was really busy so it was very nice to find September without so much to do.  However, we still found things to keep us busy.  Here's a glimpse of September.


School started late this year on September 9th.  Sadie started 5th grade and is in Mr. Widmer's class.  Sadly, this will be the last year that we have a child in elementary school.  Next year both Curtis and Sadie will be in middle school.  Where does the time go?

Curtis is now in 7th grade and fortunately for him, no longer the low man on the totem pole in middle school.  He's trying out the advanced Language Arts class this year.  His teacher for that class is Mrs. Buhler and Curtis really clicks with her learning style.  He loves that.  Also, he has discovered that Mrs. Buhler is a Christian, which I am very excited about since he will have her for two periods a day both this year and next year.

After the kids got back into the swing of things for school, my Mom and I drove to California to see friends of ours that live in or near Roseville.  We left Thursday morning and came back Sunday night.  All in all we spent about 19 hours in the car.  An added bonus of the trip to CA was that I got to spend a lot of uninterrupted  time with my Mom on the drive which is something we don't get a lot of.
I stayed with my friend Jeni and her family.  I've mentioned Jeni before in an earlier blog. She and I were friends when we were very young and we just reconnected last fall on Facebook. I did get to see her for a few hours earlier in the summer.  But, it was so nice to stay with her for a few days and get to know her again.  We hung out, went to soccer games, made jewelry, ate lots of yummy food, and went shopping.  Apparently, we have the same taste in clothes because we both bought the same skirt, shirt and sweater.  Good thing we live in different states and don't have to worry about showing up somewhere wearing the same clothes.

The best part of September is Sadie's birthday!  My baby girl turned 11 this year.  To start her birthday off on the right foot we had pancakes for breakfast.  She took chocolate chip cookies to school to share with her friends.  For dinner Sadie requested a "cheesy dinner".  So, we settled on a homemade six cheese pizza.  It was pretty yummy.  Dessert was a pumpkin roll cake with cream cheese frosting.  Sadly, I did not realize I only had two candles left until it was time to sing Happy Birthday.  Instead of blowing 11 candles out, Sadie tried to gently blow the one candle 11 times before she blew it out.  Silly Girl!  After dinner and cake Sadie requested that we play family games.  Lucky for her, she received the game, "Taboo" for her birthday.


Sadie loves to play games.

Sadie was very surprised to find these earrings wrapped up.  She showed them to me on a shopping trip in August.  I bought them while she was in the store with me without her knowledge.  Tricky Mom!

Pumpkin Roll Cake with one lonely candle.

A few days after Sadie's birthday she invited three friends over for a slumber party to continue celebrating her birthday.  The girls ate pasta for dinner, followed by cupcakes.  Then the giggling ensued and Curtis and Erik retreated to our bedroom to hide out.  The girls played some games.  Giggled some more.  Tried to hide around the hallway corners and scare each other.  Did a little more giggling.  Watched a movie and finally drifted off to sleep on various couches and air mattresses in the living room.  Surprisingly, the four girls were all sleeping by 11:30.  Maybe all that giggling wore them out.

Hannah, Sadie, Makayla, & Ellen

Sep 4, 2009

August's Adventures

August was jam packed with places to go, things to do and people to see. The kids spent a few days with each of the Grandparents one week while I attended an intensive music class all day during the week. We went camping, the guys went hiking, Sadie and I enjoyed a scrapbook weekend together, Curtis went to camp, we all enjoyed a day at the beach. It was a busy, busy month. I think Curtis was only home for a total of only 9 days in August. Here's a few pictures of our adventures.


Giuseppe (the youth pastor at ACC) was taking the youth group to the Ape Caves in Washington and invited Erik, Sadie and I to join them. The caves are underground and are formed by lava tubes. It is the longest continuous lava tube in the US. The section of cave that we hiked through was 1.5 miles long. It is completely dark in the cave and when we all turned off our flashlights we could not even see our hands in front of our faces... kind of an eerie feeling.

Curtis descending the ladder into the cave.
Sadie, entering the cave. (This is the part where she started to get a little worried).
However, as the youngest in the group she sure was a trooper and did a great job in the cave.

Look at those strong girls, Sadie and Hannah, holding back that bolder.

Three guys helped lower everyone in the group over this tricky little drop off.
Erik was the last person down and had to climb instead of be lowered.

The gang

An attempt at a self portrait in the pitch dark.


Erik and Curtis climbed the South Sister. One more of Oregon's top 10 peaks marked off of Erik's list! They left home Thursday morning and then hiked 2 miles up the mountain to Moraine Lake where they spent the night. The next morning they left the camping equipment that wasn't needed for the hike to the top at the lake and with lighter packs they hiked 3.5 miles to the top. Elevation 10,363 ft.!!!!! After hiking to the top, they hiked back down to the lake and spent the night. Curtis was so tired that he crawled into bed at 6:30 pm and did not wake up until 6:30 the next morning! The next day the guys had an easy 2 mile hike off the mountain and celebrated by going to see the new GI Joe movie in Bend.

Curtis at Moraine lake, ready to take on the South Sister.

Top of the mountain!

View from the top.

Snow melting into Teardrop Pool, the state's highest lake.

Obviously, these guys are used to humans.

The Lewis Glacier and a pool collecting its runoff.

The Middle and North Sisters.
Erik has plans to climb both in the same trip next summer.

Views from the top:


Curtis came home from hiking the South Sister Sunday evening. I washed and re-packed his clothes so the next morning I could drop him off at the beach for a week of Jr. High Camp at WI-NE-MA. This was his first year at camp by himself with out Dad and Mom directing or Mom being a cabin mom. So, there are no pictures. But, from what I hear, he had a great time.
Then the poor guy was home from camp for about 12 hours before we left again for a week at East Lake. All in all, he was gone from home for almost 17 days straight!


We camped at East Lake with some really great friends. We hiked, fished, boated, visited an obsidian flow, fed ducks, played in the dirt, tried not to play in the dirt, shopped in Bend, ate ice cream for lunch (twice!), found some hot springs, and had a lot of fun.

Sadie feeding the ducks ritz crackers near the hot springs that were too hot to go in during the heat of the day. And the water smelled like Sulfer. The hot springs were waaaaay across the lake from where we were camping. Erik and I rowed our little boat all the way there and all the way back!

Sadie, James and Ethan threw pumice rocks towards the duck (it's a Juvenile Drake Mallard (thanks to a duck lecture from Doug)) in hopes that the duck would think it was bread and come closer.

Poor Sadie was the only girl out of the four kids. She was definitely feeling it. However, she got to go shopping with the Moms on Wednesday.

All the boys on top of a large rock.

An attempt at a group shot of the kids.
James, Sadie, Curtis & Ethan

Did I mention it was kind of a dirty, dusty place?

The little boys looked like this pretty much the whole time. Curtis and Sadie
did their best to avoid getting dusted to death by the boys.

A picture proving that Jen was there. Why are the Moms never in the pictures?

Doug and the boys

Look at those Happy Hikers!

A shot of me... just to prove I really was there.

Well, that's August for you. One week left and school starts. We'll be taking this week to get back in the swing of things and to get organized and ready for a busy, crazy school year. Curtis will be in 7th grade, no longer the lowest of the low in Middle School. Sadie will be top dog at the elementary school as she starts 5th grade. This year I will be starting my 4 terms of the Ed. Program at WOU. Erik will start his second year of work on his Master's degree. There's never a dull moment for the Neilsons. Hopefully, there will be time in there somewhere to update the blog, we'll see how that goes.